Darren has also released an additional resource- the Copy Writing Scorecard for Bloggers. I have purchased both and plan to work through these ebooks thoroughly as soon as this pesky PhD is out of the way (sigh...VERY soon). The Copy Writing Scorecard is a workbook teaching you exactly how to write great blog posts that attract lots of readers and rank well in search engines, increasing your blog traffic.

I'm not usually that big on paying for information because I spend a lot of time researching things on the interwebs to do with ecommerce, social networking, blogging etc, and find I'm usually aware of a lot of the info out there (and quite enjoy spending time on that- odd I know). However, Darren provides some of the most valuable information I've come across, and the difference these resources will hopefully make to my blogs and sales makes it well worth it in my opinion (I consider it an investment in my business)...I have even purchased his book as well (available through Amazon), so I suppose I'm an official problogger fan :)
I meant to write this post a while ago (oops) because Darren is offering a special discount this month, which is not being run on his own site, where you can purchase one or both of these ebooks for 25% off. The discount is only available for a few more days though, so don't miss out! To take advantage of the offer you just need to use the code november25 during checkout and purchase one or both resources here or through the links given above. The offer ends on Nov 30.
Darren does a much better job of explaining what's in the workbooks and how they can make a huge difference to your blog, so if you'd like to find out more about the books, just visit the problogger ebook info page.
I'll definitely do some posts early next year reviewing the problogger book and discussing some of the lessons I've learned from the blogging ebooks in applying them to my own blog. I'll be looking to feature tips from readers as well (including their etsy shops of course), so if you are using the workbooks as well, keep an eye out so that I can include you.
(I have used my referral links to support this blog, but that doesn't influence my opinion at all and I'm recommending these ebooks because I think they are the best blogging resources I've come across.)
Happy blogging!
Thanks for this! I used the discount code to purchase the '31 days to build a better blog'. I'm looking forward to working through to e-book & improving my blogging.